Thank you for Stepping Up

Your contribution will disrupt human trafficking, by funding the creation and implementation of our Disruptive Education programmes for schools and corporations.



Dismantling the systems that profit from human misery together

Eliminating the drivers of modern slavery and trafficking, demands:

● A coordinated, survivor-led effort by multi-agency stakeholders,

● Timely, data-driven tracking, reporting and prosecuting initiatives,

● Implementation of effective state-level policies and referral mechanisms

● Up-to-speed, cross-sector awareness-raising, education and funding

● Listening to and integrating survivors’ input at the local and international level

● Successful prosecution and punishment of perpetrators

Will you Step Up to end the monetisation of suffering?

If you are Parents, School decision-makers or Educators:

Sign up for our unique, government-endorsed, live or asynchronous workshops that empower schools, teachers and students to guard against child exploitation and trafficking, and to detect incidences of such abuse.

Consider organising a PTA or student fundraiser towards the costs of our pioneering Step Up Survivor Centre.

If you lead a Business or Financial Institution:

Let us train your team to detect and respond to incidences of human trafficking within your ecosystem, while providing you with effective auditing, risk assessment and compliance strategies to mitigate your exposure to forced labour in your supply chains, partnerships and markets.

Make a CSR donation towards the running of our Survivor Support Centre or contact us to sponsor some of our other anti-trafficking initiatives.

If you are a Civil Society Organisation

Help us amplify the impact of the Step Up Survivor Centre which will offer legal, psycho-social and reintegration assistance to adult victims of trafficking, under one roof.

Collaborate with us in building the next-level counter-trafficking network, boosting the island’s National Referral Mechanism and expediting survivors’ access to services.

If you want to support our work as a private individual

Please consider supporting our work by a donation through this site, or contact us to volunteer your time and/or skills. Step Up’s mission to disrupt the business model of

slavery is a long-term and ambitious one, so we are grateful for all gifts and support.